SEM 4UF Measured Properties

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Modal frequency and weight measurements taken by Sandia National Laboratories for the Dynamic Substructuring Four Unit frames, thin wings, and thick wings.


Four Unit Frames & Wings weights measured by Sandia National Laboratories with a Mettler Toledo SG32001 Balance.

Four Unit Frames Wings

1st Manufactured Set

  • Note: A Frame SN006 was never made and does not exist.
  • Note: Thick Wings 1B-6B seem to be 1/8" larger in both in-plane dimensions relative to the drawing (22.125"x4.51" vs 22"x4.385").
Frame Weight [g] Weight [lb]
SN001 626.4 1.381
SN002 624.1 1.376
SN003 625.5 1.379
SN004 622.3 1.372
SN005 621.9 1.371
- - -
Thin Wing Weight [g] Weight [lb]
WING001A 523.7 1.1545
WING002A 526.8 1.1615
WING003A 522.5 1.1520
WING004A 528.2 1.1645
WING005A 526.8 1.1615
WING006A 525.4 1.1585
Thick Wing Weight [g] Weight [lb]
WING001B 1129.7 2.4905
WING002B 1125.1 2.4805
WING003B 1133.1 2.4980
WING004B 1132.8 2.4975
WING005B 1131.5 2.4945
WING006B 1134.2 2.5005
Current Location
Italy, University of L'Aquila
USA, University of Massachusetts Lowell
Sweden, Linnaeus University
Germany, Bosch
USA, Sandia National Laboratories

2nd Manufactured Set

  • Note: Frame & Wing Set 008 & Set 009 were shipped out before weighing
Frame Weight [g] Weight [lb]
SN007 623.9 1.3755
SN008 - -
SN009 - -
Thin Wing Weight [g] Weight [lb]
WING007A 530.3 1.1691
WING008A - -
WING009A - -
Thick Wing Weight [g] Weight [lb]
WING007B 1091.8 2.4070
WING008B - -
WING009B - -
Current Location
USA, Sandia National Laboratories
Germany, Technical University of Munich

3rd Manufactured Set

Frame Weight [g] Weight [lb]
SN010 628.6 1.3858
SN011 629.5 1.3878
SN012 628.8 1.3863
SN013 629.7 1.3883
SN014 627.8 1.3841
SN015 629.5 1.3878
SN016 635.8 1.4017
SN017 629.7 1.3883
SN018 625.5 1.3790
SN019 628.4 1.3854
Thin Wing Weight [g] Weight [lb]
WING010A 527.4 1.1627
WING011A 528.0 1.1640
WING012A 528.0 1.1640
WING013A 527.7 1.1634
WING014A 528.1 1.1643
WING015A 527.5 1.1629
WING016A 528.4 1.1649
WING017A 528.7 1.1656
WING018A 527.7 1.1634
WING019A 527.3 1.1625
Thick Wing Weight [g] Weight [lb]
WING010B 1091.6 2.4066
WING011B 1094.1 2.4121
WING012B 1082.5 2.3865
WING013B 1083.7 2.3892
WING014B 1089.3 2.4015
WING015B 1091.8 2.4070
WING016B 1093.8 2.4114
WING017B 1090.1 2.4033
WING018B 1094.0 2.4119
WING019B 1093.4 2.4105
Current Location
Sweden, Linnaeus University
USA, University of Georgia
USA, University of Washington
USA, Brigham Young University
USA, Rice University
UK, Swansea University
Slovenia, University of Ljubljana
Turkey, Middle East Technical University
USA, Georgia Tech

4th Manufactured Set

Frame Weight [g] Weight [lb]
SN020 635.4 1.4008
SN021 634.6 1.3991
SN022 635.3 1.4006
SN023 634.2 1.3982
SN024 635.3 1.4006
Thin Wing Weight [g] Weight [lb]
WING020A 510.9 1.1263
WING021A 511.0 1.1266
WING022A 511.1 1.1268
WING023A 511.1 1.1268
WING024A 511.1 1.1268
Thick Wing Weight [g] Weight [lb]
WING020B 1115.0 2.4582
WING021B 1115.2 2.4586
WING022B 1114.5 2.4571
WING023B 1114.4 2.4568
WING024B 1114.7 2.4575
Current Location
USA, Sandia National Laboratories
USA, Sandia National Laboratories
USA, Sandia National Laboratories
USA, Sandia National Laboratories
USA, Sandia National Laboratories

Special Components

  • Note: These are a collection of one-off parts that have been manufactured for various projects with the Frame.
  • Note: All are currently located at Sandia National Labs. Send an email if you have any questions.
Part Weight [g] Weight [lb]
TS Plate 278.2 0.6133
Solid Steel Frame 1749.7 3.8574
Steel Swept Wing 1169.0 2.5772

Modal Frequencies

Frame Natural frequencies from LDV testing

Four Unit Frame - Modal Frequencies [Hz]
Frame Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3 Mode 4 Mode 5 Mode 6 Mode 7 Mode 8 Mode 9
SN001 246.25 301.41 656.09 677.50 728.59 766.65 1171.25 1204.84 1260.16
SN002 237.81 294.52 632.50 659.38 719.69 755.63 1132.81 1167.81 1247.19
SN003 234.18 291.71 624.38 652.81 715.31 751.99 1118.75 1155.31 1241.27
SN004 234.18 291.42 627.50 655.31 719.69 754.06 1122.81 1160.00 1249.38
SN005 239.69 294.23 630.63 657.50 720.31 756.56 1128.50 1164.06 1249.38