Usage Guidelines

From Dynamic Substructuring Focus Group Wiki
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Here are some best practices for contributing for this Wiki.

Creating Pages

  • Pages are linked based on their names. For long names, it can get confusing to remember the page name. You can use redirects to help.
  • Use Categories [[Category:Category Name]] to organize pages into logical groups.
  • Please tag all model pages with [[Category:Models]] and all tests with [[Category:Experiments]] to automatically include them in the list of all models/experiments in the navigation bar.
  • Feel free to create pages explaining techniques that you use or anything else.
  • Feel free to look at the source code of other pages to help you learn how to use the wiki syntax. It is quick to learn, but you may need a refresher from time to time.
  • To edit the sidebar (for instance to add your institution as a contributor) edit this page: MediaWiki:Sidebar

Uploading Files

  • You should be able to upload SMALL FILES such as photos, papers, presentations, etc... yourself directly onto the wiki. Observe the following guidelines:
    • Files are uploaded and stored by name. To ensure that nobody overwrites anyone else's data, please include a suffix or prefix identifying who uploaded it. Example: There will probably be a few turbine tests, so I called photos/data from Wisconsin's Turbine tests 'UW_Full_Turbine_Accel_Mount.jpg'
    • There is currently no quota on file uploads, but our hosting tells us to 'please be reasonable'.
    • If you need to upload a file larger than 32 MB, try to compress it.
    • It probably goes without saying, but don't upload any malicious files to the Wiki. By default MediaWiki (the software that this Wiki runs on) will warn you about file name extensions that it doesn't recognize or that may be used to contain harmful code. Everything we upload here should be safe, but there is always the possibility of outside intrusion.
    • If you encounter errors, use the alternate approach in the Guide for Uploading Files
  • LARGE FILES, or files that are rejected by the server need to be uploaded differently.
  • A list of all uploaded files is found here: File List

Discussion Pages

  • Discussion pages can be used to comment on or ask questions about another group's results or techniques, instead of editing their page directly.